Our Team

Meet the 2024/25 UBC Concrete Toboggan Executive Team

A Diverse Team of Hard-Working & Fun-Loving Toboggan Enthusiasts

UBC Concrete Toboggan is home to a wide variety of engineering and non-engineering disciplines, from Civil to Electrical Engineering, and everything in between. Our executive team is no exception!

  • Sean Kim


    Hello! I’m Sean, and I’m a 6th-year Chemical Engineering Student and this will be my 3rd year as Team Captain! I’ve been on the team since my first year at UBC, working on concrete mix design, construction, sponsorship, marketing, and more! I’m super excited for this year and looking forward to returning to Montréal for such an awesome competition! 

  • Mitchell Spence


    Hey! My name is Mitchell, I’m a 5th-year Civil Engineering student, and this is my first year as TBOG Captain! I’ve been on the team since 2021 and a lead for 2 years with the Ski Design and Tech-Ex Subteams. I'm really looking forward to designing a toboggan that can compete for the top spot at this year’s GNCTR!

  • Chandhana Namibar


    Hi! I’m Chandhana, a 3rd year Electrical Engineering student, and this is my second year on the Concrete Toboggan team. I originally joined the team as part of the electrical subteam to gain technical experience, but I quickly discovered it was so much more and met an amazing community of "Tboggers" after competing in Newfoundland last year. After such a rewarding experience, I’m excited to take on the role of administration lead for this year’s competition in Montreal!. Fun fact: I’m pretty sure I’m double-jointed in all my fingers!

  • Jody Fu


    Hello, my name is Jody! I am a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student (and MECH 2 survivor), and this is my 3rd year on the team and first as the braking lead. I’m looking forward to this year’s competition and I’m excited to continue working with our great Tbog community!

  • Dylan Rodriguez


    Hi! My name is Dylan, I’m a 5th year IGEN student and this year's Construction Coordinator. I joined t-bog in 2020 and have been part of the steering and braking sub-teams. I’ve been on the team since my first year and have really enjoyed working on the team and meeting all the great people who are a part of it! Fun fact: Concrete toboggans are certified to be the safest mode of transportation (trust me I’m an engineering student)

  • Dominic Cupidon


    Hello world! I’m Dominic and I’m a 6th year Computer Science student. I joined the team because it was the weirdest design team I saw at Imagine Day and I have had no regrets since then. This will be my third year on Concrete Toboggan, my second as the Electrical lead. Fun fact: My last name is French for Cupid

  • Emma Heath


    Hi there! My name is Emma, and I am a 4th year English and Creative Writing student, and this year’s external lead. The external team handles marketing, sponsorship, and communications for the team! It’s my first year on TBOG, and I’m excited to share my communications experience with an engineering team. A fun fact about me is I speak French, which will be helpful for our competition in Montréal this year. À bientôt!

  • Owen Pinto


    Hi! I’m Owen, a 4th year Materials engineer here at UBC. It’s my 3rd year on the team and 2nd year as one of the leads on mix design. I’ve completed 2 summer co-ops with Heidelberg materials selling industrial and residential customers concrete. Clearly I have a passion for concrete! My fun-fact is that I belong to the Engineering fraternity, Sigma Phi Delta!

  • Michelle Wong


    Hi! I’m Michelle, a third year chemical engineering student, second year on tbog, and first time mix lead. I joined tbog to meet new people and increase my technical skills. And I <3 concrete! A fun fact about me is I’m a competitive curler 🥌

  • Ann Zhou


    Hi, I am Ann. I'm a third-year material engineering student and currently doing my co-op. I joined TBog in 2022, my first year at UBC, because I like structural and material design. Fun fact: I like Star Wars and collecting keychains from the places I visit.

  • Ivan Pun


    I'm a third-year engineering student who recently transferred from materials to civil engineering. I joined TBog at the start of my second year because I thought the competition was unique. Fun fact: I am the youngest of five siblings!

  • Ian McLennan


    Hey hey people! My name is Ian and I’m in my final year of Mechanical Engineering. This is my 4th year on the team and while in previous years I’ve taken on much more technical roles, I’m excited to be UBC Tbog’s Spirit Captain this year. I’m hoping to elevate every aspect of spirit on the team this year and deliver a theme that everyone at the competition will love. I look forward to getting to know everyone at the competition and making some new best friends<3

  • Andrew Schamber


    Hi!  My name is Andrew, and I am a second year mechanical engineering student here at UBC. This is my second year on the team, and I’m excited to be pursuing my new role as steering lead. This year, I’m looking to do the best I can to improve our design as part of our amazing Tbog community. A fun fact about me is that I have played soccer for 14 years, and that my favourite team is FC Bayern Munich. 

  • Carl Xiao


    Hello, I am Carl, and I am a second year geological engineering student at UBC. This is my second year on TBog and my first year as the superstructure lead. I’m looking forward to making the nicest, safest roll cage to protect our riders this year! See you all at Montreal!

  • Grace Xu


    Hi there! My name is Grace, I am a second year Integrated Engineering and Visual Arts Dual-Degree student. I joined Concrete Toboggan last year because I was drawn to the team’s interdisciplinary values and how the Tech-Ex subteam allowed me to combine my passion for art and STEM. In my free time, I like drawing, painting, and playing soccer and I’m always looking for people to join Tech-Ex!